TMA4165 Differential equations and dynamical systems 2008


Contents: Literature · Messages · Lectures · Evaluation · Schedule

Harald Hanche-Olsen
There are no mandatory exercises. That does not mean it's a good idea to skip the exercises, however. The exercise web page is password protected using a password that has been announced at the lectures.
Old exams with solutions
The page is protected by the same password as the exercises.
2008-06-11: Grading is done. Results should be available soon. (No, I did not do the grading – I am at a conference now.) Here is the statistics:

A: 2 — B: 4 — C: 16 — D: 4 — E: 4 — F: 0 — Total: 30.

2008-06-05: Today's exam problem with solution (in Norwegian) can be found on the old exams page. Several student asked, in different ways, how much is to be expected on problem 2. I answered something like, “as much as you can do without getting into trouble with available time”. Awfully vague, I agree. Selecting what is important to talk about is part of the problem. An answer to problem 2 may look quite different from my answer and still receive a good score.
(older messages)
Reading list
D. W. Jordan & P. Smith: Non-linear ordinary differential equations: An introduction to dynamical systems, Fourth Edition,* Oxford University Press 2007, ISBN-13 978-0-19-920824-1.
Ch. 1, 2, 3, 8, 10, 11, 12.1–4, 13.1 and Appendix A.
Except 1.6, 3.3, 3.5, uniform stability i 8.3–8.4, all details concerning topographical systems in Ch. 10 (i.e., most of 10.2–10.4). I don't understand Theorem 10.10 (p. 351 (362 in the third edition)), so skip that.
You will note that my notes overlap quite a bit with the book, in which case you may choose which text to read. (But note that the statement of the Poincaré–Bendixson theorem in the book is wrong.)
My own Assorted notes on dynamical systems.updated 2008-04-04
Another note, Fraktaler og kaos. (Minor update 2008-03-10: See the note's page for details.)
Written exam, 5. June, 4 hours 09–13. Permitted aids: Code D (only HP-30S calculator, which I doubt you will find a use for).
Week 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.

Harald Hanche-Olsen Last update: 2008–06–11 16:14