Assorted notes on complex function theory
Notes created for a course on Differential equations and complex function theory. I wrote these up as separate notes for the fall term of 2006; for the fall term of 2007, I have collected the notes into one document.
The main book for the course is Asmar's Applied Complex Analysis with Partial Differential Equations. These notes serve as a supplement.
To view or download
Best for on-screen viewing: A5 size (PDF).
Best for printing: A4 size (PDF).
(If you need to print on US letter paper, be sure to ask your printer driver to reduce the size to fit the paper.)
Version history
- The current version is dated 2007-12-02. It incorporates some of the lessons I learned while teaching the course during the fall semester. There may well be more, as I go through my notes.
- Version 2007-09-20: There are various minor edits, none too serious – with one exception: On the middle of page 15 (A5 version) I had used the index j with different meanings in the same formula. The result is nonsense of course. To update your copy, you could print just page 8 (or 7–8 if you print double sided) of the A4 version.
- Version dated 2007-09-12: The only difference from version 2007-09-11 is a much improved proof of the generalized Cauchy formula. Only pages 27–28 in the A5 version are changed. In the A4 version, that is page 14. (Print pages 13–14 to update a twosided A4 copy.)
Please respect the copyright
The notes may be freely copied for personal or classroom use; contact me if you wish to copy them for any other reason.