Harald Hanche-Olsen
[Norsk/English] · [official home page]
- Position and contact information
- Associate professor emeritus at the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
- I no longer teach, and do not advice students
- I share an office with a handful of emeritus professors at room 1129, but you will only find me there sporadically.
- Email: harald.hanche-olsen@ntnu.no.
- Fields of scientific interest:
- Conservation laws and nonlinear partial differential equations
- Functional analysis
- Mathematical modelling
- Stochastic analysis
- Jordan operator algebras (no activity for decades)
- Books:
- Jordan operator algebras by Harald Hanche-Olsen and Erling Størmer (Pitman 1984) is available as a free download.
- Proceedings volume: Non-Linear Partial Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics, and Stochastic Analysis – The Helge Holden anniversary volume. Editors: Fritz Gesztesy, HH-O, Espen R. Jakobsen, Yuri I. Lyubarskii, Nils Henrik Risebro, Kristian Seip (EMS 2018). I also did the copyediting and final typesetting for this book.
- Selected papers:
- On Goursat's proof of Cauchy's integral theorem
With Helge Holden:
The Kolmogorov–Riesz compactness theorem
– Addendum to the above (arXiv/doi:10.1016/j.exmath.2015.12.003) - With Helge Holden and Eugenia Malinnikova: An improvement of the Kolmogorov-Riesz compactness theorem (arXiv)
- With Helge Holden: The Aubin–Lions–Dubinskiĭ theorems on compactness in Bochner spaces (arXiv, Pure and Applied Functional Analysis 9(5) 1133–1144 (2024))