Theses notes were all written for use in some course, but they are collected here because they might be of more general interest.
Notes first developed for the course 75042 Partial Differential Equations in 1996, later used for the course 75033 Linear Analysis
Tiny note written for 75045 Dynamical Systems in 1997.
Based on notes by Nils Baas for the course on 75045 Dynamical Systems.
An example of a simple plane curve of positive area. Though the note is in Norwegian, you might still look up the reference to William F. Osgood's 1903 paper, and admire the pictures, which were taken from the paper.
Written for 75045 Dynamical Systems in 1997 and slightly edited since then.
A note used as a supplement to Gilbert Strang: Linear algebra and its applications for the course 75032 Matrix methods.
A note used a couple of times in the course 75048/TMA4195 Mathematical modeling
Put together in 2005 from several different notes (now withdrawn) written for the course TMA4230 Functional analysis.
Put together in 2007 from several different notes written for the course MA2104 Differential equations and complex function theory.
Put together in 2008 from several different notes written for the course TMA4165 Differential equations and dynamical systems.